Caring for those who are grieving as they journey to new hope
We encourage and equip local churches as they guide those who are grieving towards new hope in Jesus Christ.
What We Do
New Hope Grief Care provides needed opportunities to find comfort and connection with those who have experienced the death of a loved one. Understanding the ways that grief impacts our mind, body, soul, emotions and relationships allows for the griever to ride atop the waves of grief and not be pulled under by it. Through loss specific grief care groups (6 weeks), special workshops, connection groups and individual grief counseling, individuals may begin to experience the many ways that God uses our grief to take us on a journey to a new hope that is firm and secure.
Are you ready for the journey?
If you answer ‘yes’ to any of these questions,
will you then say ‘yes’ to New Hope?
“Trying to understand and continue to come to grips with the death of our son, Steve, our first child, will always be on our hearts. We had lost faith and hope, not knowing how to continue without our son. Taking the New Hope course with Stacey and Jeff has definitely renewed our Hope. We look forward to seeing our Steven again one day.”
— Tom and Rosemary
Quotes from participants:
“You are not supposed to bury your children, so a grief support group was not a “club” that we had any desire to be a part of. After a few months of grieving for the loss of our son, we realized that we needed some help because we were completely exhausted from trying to be brave and put on a “front”. After we began to attend the support group, we realized that this roller coaster of feelings was OK and really quite natural. Regardless of how we felt each day, it was ok! You see, we really did not want to get over it because that meant we were forgetting our son and we always wanted to remember all of those wonderful times we had. Talking and sharing with others who understood what we were feeling helped us face our future without our son.”
— Hank and Judy
“I am very thankful that I signed up for New Hope. This is not an easy life experience to face but so necessary. There are some days I feel quite overwhelmed. One thing said initially that I found so helpful is that the Lord gives us shock as a gift. I do understand that more as time goes on. You pointed out that losing a loved one is a death of a way of life. I am beginning to think about what my new way of life will look like. Thank you for speaking truth into my life.”
— Rita
I have found comfort knowing that the sovereign God who is in control of everything, is the same God who has experienced the pain I live with every day. No matter how deep the pit into which I descend, I keep finding God there. He is not aloof from my suffering but draws near to me when I suffer. He is vulnerable to pain, quick to shed tears, and acquainted with grief. God is a suffering Sovereign who feels the sorrow of the world.
— Gerald Sittser, A Grace Disguised